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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  October 26, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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suspects but tried to help him. he had ties to the couple's family. tonight the teenager and a teenage friend are behind bars accused of murder. >> it's disgusting to think someone would do that to her. she was a beautiful, amazing loving person. never bothered anyone. >> reporter: friends and family are not only dealing with the brutal killing but struggling with the revelation that a teenager she and boyfriend tried to help committed the crime. >> these two are evil to do something like this. >> reporter: investigators announced this morning they arrested 18-year-old cody nicosia and 16-year-old boy disstantly related to the victim's boyfriend, a young man who did yard work for the couple and who the boyfriend tried to murder.
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>> she was in the sanctity of her own home and violated by a person she knows and trusts and these two young men commit an absolute despicable act to murder her and return hours later to set her body on fire. >> the teenagers knew her boyfriend was out of town and there were guns and valuables inside the house. they say the pair hid in the yard last wednesday waiting for her to leave. when she doesn't, they decided to enter the house and strangle her to death and rob her. >> i hope they rot rest of their lives and i hopethy think about this every single day and i hope it kills them because they ruined a family. >> her loved ones didn't want to show their faces on camera but want to make it clear they want justice and want the world to know how special she was.
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>> she was always, always there for anyone that needed her and she was very loving. going to be really, really hard without her for everyone. >> now, the teenagers made their first court appearance this afternoon. they were formally charged with murder, committed in the course of a burglary. they were also charged with arson. the teenagers will be back in court on monday. reporting live in castro valley, i'm jody hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> new tonight at 6:00, a vallejo man is behind bars for a series of arson, including one that injured a law office. they linked mod love to a jun fire at the mortuary and church fire in july and september fire at the office of mayor davis. firefighters extinguished those flames within minutes. a search of court records shows the suspect and mayor davis
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might have been acquainted. a plaintiff by the name of mod love is having filed a case against davis in small claims court in 2005. that was two years before davis became mayor. details on the case or who won that case were not available. the police say the investigation is not yet finished. >> the man a former yahoo! executive living with his wife and kids in san francisco's valley and year ago moved to new york and just last night they were shattered aeldly by their own nanny. the krims moved to the bay area before going to manhattan and took a job at ccnbc, they found the children dead in a bathtub. the family's 50-year-old nanny was lying nearby with a knife by her side. >> we know she was referred by another family, that an employee
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of this family for approximately two years. >> unbelievable. unbelievable. >> can't imagine. >> the krims have a 3-year-old daughter who was at the swimming lesson when the stabbings occurred. police met him at jfk and told him the tragic news. as for the nanny, she's in critical condition and police are searching for a motive. dueling psychiatrists, william ayers has been in and out of courtrooms having been accused of sexually abusing several young boys under his care. his original trial ended in a hung jury and prosecutors want to retry a yerz but his attorneys and two doctors at napa hospital claim he suffers from dementia. they claim ayers is faking his mental feebleness and as an
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expert he would know how to do it. private settlement talks over how much pg&e will be fined for the deadly blast in san bruno will move forward without mitchell. he stepped down after several groups opposed his appointments. the cities of san bruno and san francisco among those in opposition saying pg&e had been given advance notice of mitchell's hiring and also concerned he and his law firm previously represented public u at this time. the talks resume monday without a mediator. the firing and $200 million fine over the leak with the facebook ipo citigroup fired the junior analyst who leaked pre-ipo information and security laws require banks to keep pre-ipo information private until 40 days after a company
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goes public. u.s. postal inspectors arrested this new york man who sued mark zuckerberg claiming the founder promised him half of the company starting out at harvard. he is charged with wire and mail fraud. he told reporters his arrest was an outrage. prosecutors say he doctored and fabric ated and detroyed evidence to support the claims he made in a lawsuit in 2010. if convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. it turns out it is the best way to make money these days and it's not turning back the clock to buy apple at $10 a share. it's something you can do now to take advantage of the strengthening economy. scott budman is here with the answer you're dying to hear. >> the economy is stronger and the stock market up about 120% since 2009. have you gone along on that ride? you have in you've done something easy very consistently.
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the stock market has come roaring back since 2009, doubling in value. led by technology companies which have seen stock prices jump as sales of gadget hit record highs. where does that leave you financially? potentially in good shape if you've invested in your offices 401(k) plan, pre-tax dollars taken out of your paycheck. i know, in start-up drenched silicon valley, retirement plans are about the least sexy thing we can possibly talk about. >> most of the folks are probably just trying to focus on survival, not making sure their nest is feathered. >> david mcclure is the founding partner of the 500 startup focusing on building small businesses. but he's also been part of big companies like ebay. he has a 401(k) of his own and it's up too. >> i do look at those things as sort of important in the long
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run and i'm a little older so i have to care about that more. i have a wife and two kids. >> 401(k) plans are also on the mind of victoria, ceo and founder of grid dynamics, we found her recruiting at the russian innovation conference. >> companies like pal, yahoo! are all of our clients. >> one of the benefits her company offers, a 401(k) plan. >> pension plans and 401(k) plan we were legally big enough to allow programs for us, we've had them from the first day. >> stock options are risky, and big salaries few and far between the. but well-stocked 401(k) plan, that's paying off. they tend to be diversified not just in stocks, but according to "usa today."
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the typical plan even for those near retirement is only around $64,000. they are growing and that's good but they'll only take care of you later in life if you put enough money into them now. b.a.r.t. is inching closer to the south bay. the transit agency celebrated a major milestone, crews in fremont, the extension is 5.4 mile track going south from the existing fremont station and ending in another part of fremont where a new station will be built. the tunnel took three years to complete. it runs under lake elizabeth and required 70,000 cubic yards of poured reinforced concrete. >> it's about 1991, b.a.r.t. has been thrilled to pieces we might reach this day and we're finally here. so we're excited to celebrate. >> a lot of excitement. once in operation, it will take b.a.r.t. trains 60 seconds to
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travel and come out on the other side. the warm spring station should open in 2015. take a look, not your usual grocery store visit, a driver's medical condition might have led to this incident in the marina district. the unidentified driver crashed into the store. you can see it down below. thankfully only minor injuries were reported. still ahead at 6:00, a giant sendoff in detroit. we'll have live coverage from the world series which has now shifted to michigan. plus. >> reporter: the giants may be out of town but that's not stopping people here from cheering. we'll have just how much the orange and black is translating into nice cash for local businesses. and first of its kind, the trial providing hope for an autism cure. good evening, i'm jeff ranieri, we're tracking the latest on hurricane sandy on the east coast that will impact travel across the entire united states throughout next five to seven days. we'll have the full forecast
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track and latest from the east coast. our next rain is in that 7-day forecast and also going to mean more sierra snow. [ taste buds ] donuts, donuts, donuts!
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who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds.
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we have a change of scenery for the giants in detroit for the world series, this morning the team boarded the buses at at&t. there's tim lincecum and fans were there to cheer on the team. not just the giants who left san francisco, much of the front office also headed east as well as the players and families. brian wilson is going, 600 to 700 people in all. they got on the flight where firefighters honored the team as the planes taxied down the runway, the two chartered flights took off before 11:00 a.m. the manager says the team is excited and the guys got good
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rest last night. we have team coverage from san francisco and detroit. let's go to jamie. i presume chicken enchiladas for dinner tonight, correct? >> reporter: yeah, absolutely, everybody should be eating chicken enchiladas, it would help warm things up. it is hard to believe it was almost 80 degrees here today. supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow around game time. being from san francisco and playing in san francisco these giants players are fairly used to the cooler weather and don't expect the weather to play a factor in this series in detroit. >> the cool weather, obviously it's something we'll have to deal with, but it's the world series, you know, you can't be woshried about how cold it is. i through a game in chicago last year where it was 34 degrees and raining and sleeting and i threw the ball pretty well that night.
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i don't suspect that cold weather will be much of an issue. if i'm thinking about how cold it is, it means i'm not thinking about what i'm doing on the mound. >> we're used to it. it's a little colder but we have extra clothes and everything will be just fine. >> hard playing in weather like that, but you have to be focused and you have to do the best. no matter what. >> you know what, it's, it's cold but i mean, this is the world series, this is -- it's cold for everybody, it's cold for the fans and the beer is cold. it's gratdeat, enjoy it. >> reporter: one player that the cold might affect more than the others is hector sanchez who the manager says he's leaning towards using as his dh. he will not be catching, just hitting. nbc bay area news. >> very good, thank you, jamie.
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>> the giants will not be in san francisco and fans will be heading to bars to watch the game. the question is, has the giants orange translated into san francisco green? nbc bay area stephanie tran joins us from san francisco. all of the places as packed as they were, there's got to be money in that. >> reporter: lots of money especially for local business owners we talked to but the energy here is still pretty crazy. my photographer and i, robert, parked at the stop light when a guy backed upd and rolled down the window and handed us rally towels. as for games one and two, they definitely brought people here to the city, fans and media and means more business. how much more business depends on who you ask. >> life is good. what can i say? >> reporter: the nova restaurant and bar on second street sits pretty a few blocks from at&t
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park. the overflow from the world series is even better. >> the giants have definitely had a bigger following. >> thompson says now good regular season games double his business. games one and two of the series -- >> i would say maybe triple, yeah, january is always a tough month for restaurants and bars so it gives you that little extra cushion you need to get the winner. >> san francisco chamber of commerce vice president says there are no official estimates for how much more money the world series is bringing. >> october is a busy time in the bay area anyway, but this puts that icing on top of the cake. it helps the entire region. if san francisco is full, the overflow goes to oakland and down the peninsula. >> he adds it has a long term effect, for those contemplating their next vacation or business.
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>> you see in the night before the world series, that helps people make decisions. >> as for the rest of series -- >> if things don't work well in detroit, they'll come back. in a weird sort of way that's what the businesses would want. >> reporter: thompson says, not him. >> we win no matter what. the excitement is going to be there no matter where they are when they win. >> reporter: and notice there he said not if but when the giants win. detroit has a different picture as far as economic impact. i talked with a spokesperson and she told me that usually tigers home games generate $5.5 million for the city. they are hoping to generate $26 million from three games. but again, that's only if they get to game five. nbc bay area news. we'll be following this the whole way. stay with nbc bay area for complete coverage of the giants world seriar rry run.
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>> enough of the cold, we want sunshine for the weekend. let's bring in jeff ranieri. >> we have sunshine for everybody who can't go to detroit and will enjoy the game at some sort of establishment. we have dry weather across most of california. that's the great news. all of the storm activity pushed well out. 75 in fairfield and livermore. close to 80 in santa rosa, also for santa theresa with 78 and 74 in san jose. the winds drying out for 36 hours out of the north and slightly out of the west as well. that was good enough to give us this kind of warming today, los gatos going from 55 to 70 this afternoon. that was our biggest warming on the map. now let's bring you back to current temperatures. it's kind of mild when you think of where we were earlier this week and livermore and low 70s back into concord and santa
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rosa. you'll find a bit of haze with this strong wind and in san francisco we are fog free at this hour. we even have a little bit of orange in the sky over the past half hour. maybe an indication of how things will go with the giants. warming trend is still expected for this weekend. high pressure building offshore, not only warmer air associated with it but the slight drying wind out of the north will increase our fire danger a little bit then we'll have 80s in your seven-day forecast into this weekend. for tomorrow at the coast line, we're looking at sunny skies by the afternoon and low 70s by the bay, mid to upper 70s inland. we're going to do it. low 80s expected by the afternoon. as far as the giants go, we heard a lot about the cold and all of the sports just before this hit and here you can see it. temperatures in the 40s on saturday and sunday and monday. towards the end of the game throughout sunday and monday, we'll go down into the 30s and
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windchills that may approach the upper 20s and low 30s as winds on sunday and monday should be 15 to 30 miles per hour, maybe even a little snow on the end of monday's game. on the three-day forecast we have temperatures in the low 80s by this weekend. as we head throughout next monday, we'll look ahead towards our next storm system. we're going to detail the timing on the rainfall in the 7-day forecast and the latest on the hurricane sandy path for the east coast coming up later in the show. still ahead here at 6:00, arnold schwarzenegger's next movie project will bring back memories. a dangerous problem on hundreds and thousands of cars. could core blood be used to cure autism? i'll show you high a core blood registry in the bay area is playing a critical role in new research.
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one in 88 children born here
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in the united states have autism. >> thousands of bay area families are hoping that stem cells from cord blood could make the difference in tonight's house matters, maryann is here to tell us why. >> patients in other countries have been injected with their own core blood stem cells and reported major improvements in neurological function but this is the first time in the world a scientific clinical trial approved by the fda is investigating whether cord blood has the power to reprogram an autistic child's cells. >> researchers hope what's inside cord blood can reverse the impact of autism. >> now i feel great and i don't have any pain and i don't have to go to the doctor all the time. >> reporter: after all a cord blood treatment cured her sickle cell aneemia, the first fda
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clinical trial investigating whether cord blood cells can cure autism. >> this will accept 30 children between the ages of 2 and 7 who have a confirmed diagnosis of autism that's not known to be caused by a genetic factor. >> reporter: those children receive infusions of their own stem cells which they cannot reject. they were banked with they were newborns and stored in the registry. the research will be done at the center newer science institute in sacramento. the theory the stem cells will regulate their immune system and stimulate neurological repair. >> stem cells may have an impact on regulating the immune system or the nervous system either directly or indirectly. >> reporter: the hope is the new stem cells that have not been exposed to infection or chemicals can get patient's bodies to rev their own ability
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to repair damage. >> we should know in the stem cell treatments are making a difference within a year. if it's successful, a sibling's cell could work as long as a brother or sister shares the same blood type. nbc bay area news. very, very interesting. thank you so much. a nervous weekend on the east coast as hurricane sandy bears down. we'll bring you the very latest. a high ranking senator is sent to the hospital after a car crash in las vegas.
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the stakes are high and accusations are flying. the race for one of the seats on the san jose city council. >> because at stake at the balance of power at city hall. david trujillo is live where labor and business have drawn a line in the sand.
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>> reporter: it's a visible line. herrera is backed by the mayor and business interest, jimny nguyen backed by labor and they want herrera out. >> would you vote for me? >> i would. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: this is a new experience for jimny nguyen, selling himself to potential voters. >> it's a tough job getting to know residents takes a lot of time. there's so many people with so many needs and opinions. >> reporter: the political newcomer is backed by labor ipts and trying to inseert rose herrera saying she's partly responsible for the rise in crime. >> herrera is in a bitter battle to keep her seat and backed by business interests. at stake is a balance of power at city hall. >> done good things if you're elected and proud to run on your record, that's all about for somebody asking for another term. >> reporter: a victory for jimmy
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nguyen means interests will battle away from the mayor. but both say they are not beholden to anyone. >> i have voted against the chamber before and voted against labor. i've been independent. my allegiance is to the people of the city. >> if an issue comes up and i feel this is the right thing to do, that's the way i'll vote regardless of who brings it up or who's against it. >> reporter: voters in evergreen will decide on november 6th. the candidates did have a debate sponsored by the league of women voters, you can google it to find out more about the candidates, we're live in everygreen community, i'm damian trujillo. now for the presidential race, the campaign schedules are already being affected by the super storm barreling towards the east coast. early voting could be disrupted by this weather. but today mitt romney took a
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break from his ohio marathon and went to -- a romney administration will reach across the aisle to get things down in washington. >> these things we can only do if we bridge the divide between the political parties. we're going to meet with democrat and republican leaders in washington regularly. >> president obama is back in washington after wrapping up a 48-hour, eight-state campaign blitz. he's resting by the way his hoarse voice. harry reid is all right after his motorcade got in an incident. the 72-year-old reid suffered rib and hip injuries, six cars, including two las vegas police cars and two capital police vehicles were involved in this early afternoon crash. several members of reid's security team and staffers also suffered minor injuries. not old enough to legally
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ride a bike or scooter without a bike helmet but old enough to work in the field. tonight on nbc bay area investigation, it's child labor, prompting a new push to change that law. a california congresswoman is calling for new protection for kids who work in agriculture. steven is back with a story he broke earlier this year and there's push for change, steven. >> there certainly is. in a political season where the presidential campaign is gathering all the attention, there is right now a quiet movement starting on capitol hill in washington to change the law governing children working in the fields of america. even supporters of that proposed law admit that nothing is likely to happen quickly and any changes face a tough political battle from the opposition. >> harvest season is pretty much over in california's central valley. only a few grapes and raisins
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left to pick. most families are packing up and moving on, following the crops north to oregon and washington. 3,000 miles away, in the halls of congress, the issue of child labor and agriculture has gained new attention. >> i was shocked because i really do believe this is one of our country's dirty little secrets. >> reporter: that's why, after watching our investigation documenting child labor here in california and in north carolina, los angeles congress woman lucille ball ahard is calling for change. >> there are today in this country children working under deplorable conditions and not equally protected under our child labor laws and these are the children who work in agriculture. >> and you want to change that? >> i want to change sna. >> the care act, legislation she first pushed here 12 years ago. >> the care act introduced in
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order to give children in agriculture here in the united states the same protections that children have in every other indust industry. >> there are others here in congress not so eager to protect children working in agriculture. >> there's no need for it. >> charles grassley of iowa is a co-sponsor of a bill that would do the opposite. it's called the preserving america's family farms act. it would prohibit the government from changing rules governing children working in agriculture, rules that date back to 1938. >> wopt be beyond unusual to put in 14 or 18 hour days and there's probably no difference between dad putting it in and a 12-year-old boy putting it in. >> why is agriculture exempt though. >> the same kid couldn't work in a family dunkin' donuts or clothing store or your office if
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he or she were 12. >> i think because of the family being involved with it and working side by side with mom and dad. >> reporter: other co-sponsors the preserving america's family farms act were less willing to talk. they canceled at the last minute and the press secretary for the by him's main sponsor, tom latham he had he was too busy attending to needs of constituents to talk to us in san francisco. there is little debate among these families working on large farms. for them it may be complicated politically yet it's very simple economics, while the parents may not want the children to have to work the fields, most families have to have them there in order to make ends meet. >> they do what they go to do. >> connie knows the farm worker life firsthand. she worked these very same fields as a young child and
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recently seen children as young as 6 years old helping harvest rais raisins. >> they dump them in and pull in the paper, it's unconscionable. >> the congresswoman acknowledges the quan dri but she says protecting children is para mount. >> the majority of the children that the care act will protect, are actually employs of large corporate farms, not family farms. >> is mom and dad also working besides the 12-year-old? >> oh, yeah, they make so little money, they need the children to help make ends meet. >> reporter: when put into that context, even iowa senator grassry seemed to back away. >> i think as long as i have not been in those fields, i better not answer. >> we reached out to a dozen major corporations who package
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the produce and none would comment to us. we extended an invitation to the farm bureau to sit down and talk in depth. we have yet to hear back. if you have a stipulate for investigative unit, give us a call. 888-996-tips. on send an e-mail at nbcbayarea.c arnold schwarzenegger turns back the clock. and potentially dangerous problem, an investigation involving hundreds and thousands of cars. good evening, i'm jeff ranieri, we are tracking a warm up here as we continue through saturday. a lot of sunshine coming our way. do you like today? you're going to love tomorrow. low 80s expected inland and warmer for sunday. we also have the track on hurricane sandy. we'll have that in just a few minutes.
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the federal government is investigating 300,000 ford taurus and mercury sabl sedans, a sticky throttle is the problem. 50 drivers complained about the throttle getting stuck in the cars in the 2000 to 2003 model years. no reports of any crashes or injuries. the officials say a cruise control cable can fracture causing the throttle to stick open. the investigators are trying to determine if the problem is severe enough to issue a recall. hurricane sandy is days away from making landfall in the united states but already new york's mayor declaring a state
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of emergency while coastal residents fill sapd bags and dust off flashlights, mayor bloomberg is drawing up evacuation plans and considering closing schools on monday. sandy is already a deadly storm taking two dozen lives in haiti and 14 other other caribbean islands. the concern in new york is that sandy will merge with two other storm systems becoming sort of a super storm. >> and could have a huge impact up and down the coast. >> you think of the millions that live there. a couple hundred miles to the north or south, you're talking about drastically different scenarios there. a lot of people on the east coast need to be on guard. if you have family, they are listening closely to the weather reports. let's get you back to our own weather. we have clear skies and fog free conditions. we'll let you know how long this lasts coming up.
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good evening, giants fans spent a whole lot of money the past 48 hours to see their team take a 2-0 lead in the world series in person. wait until you hear what one man in michigan is trading for tickets. also, with the fall classic shifting to american league part, how would bruce bochy adapt to rule changes? we'll have that next on nbc bay area. so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and, and...and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition.
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around ald schwarzenegger is back in a familiar role. think of 30 years ago. he's honored to play conan the bar bear yan in the legend of conan. it was developed specifically for schwarzenegger, the third time he'll play this role. the 65-year-old starred in the two previous conan films in 1982 and 1984. >> santa cruz, a slice of hollywood in our own backyard. chasing mavericks opens in theaters all across the country. >> big wave surfing is a different ball game. >> the movie follows the life of santa cruz big waive surfer jay mord yarddy. you may remember gir ard butler was pulled under the water at mavericks during filming and was
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rushed to the hospital. he said it was really intense when it happened. >> it happened a couple of months ago, i believe. >> let's go to jeff ranieri. we're here and it's friday, tell us good news. >> it's going to get warmer. hopefully that's good for you, raj. temperatures could be an extra 3 to 5 degrees. the doppler radar is absolutely dry from santa rosa all the way down throughout the south bay. it's been all about these winds, anywhere out of the north to northeast, 5 to 10 miles per hour. that's good enough to give us warming back at this hour into concord with low 70s and we're cooling off in san mateo. with north winds throughout the next 48 hours, we are expected to continue warming here in san jose, also in livermore with 80s coming your way for saturday and also sunday. let's take you outside to the live hd skycam ra network. if you're thinking of heading into the city for tonight and
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got a big night out planned, you've got a lot of traffic there but maybe some of the cars are zooming by. let's bring you down into san jose and city lights shining bright and also the stars, very isible here throughout tonight with the clear skies and that offshore wind help to keep any fog out of the picture. the storm track that brought us three storms in three days earlier this week will lift off to the north. that's going to make way for the high pressure offshore. it's not going to move drekly on top of california so that will spare us from 90 degree heat. it's going to be somewhere in between here. won't get hot at the coast line but near santa cruz, 70s and 80s back through the interior valleys, saturday the best day of the weekend and throughout sunday we will start to see the fog building at the coastline. for tonight, another chilly one with low 50s expected in the north bay and plenty of low 50s into the santa clara valley.
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for saturday we'll top out the warmest weather with the slight north wind moving right down the hills and get this warming, 83 in santa rosa, 82 in livermore, not so bad in san jose with an expected 78 degrees. now much different for the giants after all of the sunshine the past game. they are going to be heading into much colder weather. take a look at this for saturday and sunday and also monday, temperatures will be starting in the 40s here at 5:00 p.m. a slight chance of showers for saturday but nothing that will rain out the game and also going to be windy for each and every one of those games and maybe snow flurries as we head to the end of that will wind chills that will likely be in the 0's, chance of rain only 1% as we head throughout game three and chance of a rain delay 10% at this point. the players are not worried about and definitely be wearing their layers. we know a lot of you have weekend plans that may take you
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to the east coast. it's a minimal category one with winds at 75 miles per hour but a strong central pressure will have the storm system holding up. we do expect the landfall at this point near washington, d.c. sometime on tuesday. keep in mind a slight shift in the track to the north 100 miles or to the south and we could have drastically different impacts. we're looking at flooding rain and storm surge potential and millions without power as we head throughout early next week. this is going to be a storm that everybody will be watching closely over the next several days. for this weekend we are expecting low 80s across the bay area. there's the warm-up. enjoy this weekend. it's a nice little gem in the 7-day, as we head throughout next week, we have those spooky showers for wednesday and rain by thursday of next week. i think the -- if you're going without costume, or face paint.
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>> cotton candy. >> i don't know, if it rains can't do that. >> brody is with us. >> how is it going? with the giants holding a 2-0 lead it's very possible we've already seen the final home game from them this season. but now on the road in an american league ballpark the rules do change. bruce bochy will have the luxury of a designated hitter. >> right now i would say hector sanchez. could change my mind tonight. but to be honest, that's how i'm thinking right now and he's a switch hitter and had a pretty good year with the bat when he's been out there. he's my dh right now. >> taking the opportunity to play right here dh, it will be
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amazing for me to have the team and just want the opportunity to help the team. >> what's the approach when you go out like that versus being in there and catching? >> it's different position specifically, dh, you're just sitting down and hard especially in this weather, but you got to be ready, you go inside and do something like sprint, little bit of stretching, but you have to be prepared for that situation. here's one for you, a tiger fan has offered on craigslist to trade his three-bedroom one bath fixer upper for tickets to sold out game three tomorrow in detroit. reports say this man has several offers but no deal yet. the house as you can see here not exactly prime real estate. doug fister took the scary line drive comebacker to the
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head. despite the concerns of swelling, is scheduled to undergo more testing today. jim leland gave us this update. >> he was sitting behind his folks and i had a nice conference with him, this morning he didn't remember our conversation, no, i'm just kidding. i did talk to him last night on the plane and he seemed fine. he's a little sore but there didn't appear to be anything that looked alarming like loss or memory. he looked fine and ips looked fine and they checked him out. i think he's fine. >> you know, the oakland a's have the most bay area world series titles thanks to the back to back wins. 1970s and tonight we present the forgotten dynasty on comcast sports net, california. the 49ers played three games in 11 days and now in a span of
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another 11 days, they are in between games. they are on the road for the first time in october taking on the cardinals this sunday and as you might imagine, as always, the offense to run right through, season high in rushing yards last week tallying 131 against seattle. the 29-year-old looks fresh and healthy and motivated. if you ask his coaches, it's no surprise going back to the offseason. >> we challenge him to be in the best shape of his life coming in training camp this year. he answered the challenge and came in great shape. he's seeing things, i think we're learning more about him and it's a credit to the players own the field, bottom line. gips getting it done on the field, blocking, his will and strength of will on the field and it's just god given ability taz a running back to see things and run hard. week 8 sees the ratders
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coming off a home win and one step closer to 500 in visiting kansas city. despite the one win, the chiefs have not let me opponent this season in regulation. dennis allen preparing for sunday's enemy. >> we all understand what they are going through because we just went through the same things a couple of weeks ago. so we know they are going to come out bravely. they'll be emotionally and physically and mentally ready to play and we have to be ready to meet that challenge. >> the nhl canceled games due to the lockout, there's still hope of a shortened season but that's a 50/50 chance, which means no playoff beards come this spring xg that's really depressing. >> we noticed. thanks, brody. >> you can watch sportsnet central and comcast sportsnet --
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>> it's a mouthful. we'll be right back.
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giants baseball, they are in detroit and so are we. we'll have behind the scenes coverage of the world series tonight after an all new "dateline nbc." ♪ >> an entire house can go gangham style. the video is taking youtube by storm. are neighbors circulating petitions or moving out. the answer is neither, they helped direct the traffic. the homeowner choerographied a light show to gangnam style and
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it ends at 10:00 p.m. on school nights and 11:00 p.m. on weekends. the music is played on a transmitter and visitors hear it in their car radios while they drive by gangnam style. >> see everyone in the newsroom doing this. >> except you. when are you going to embrace it? >> have a great friday night. we hope to see you at 11:00. >> he still won't do the macarena. ♪ just put a little bit of yourself ♪
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♪ in everything you do [ female announcer ] add your own ingredients to hamburger helper for a fresh take on a quick, delicious meal. it's one box with hundreds of possibilities. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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>> get ready for something "extra." >> "extra, extra!." >> bracing for frankenstorm, the worst hurricane in 100 years ready to pound new york. >> devastating and historic. >> the mega million dollar star mansions in sandy's path and the terrifying what ifs in this mansions in sandy's path and the terrifying what ifs in this weather channel simulation.


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